Alternative media is not something I knew about whatsoever before doing research on the topic. This is the first problem when it comes to today's society as I am one of many that would have no clue when asked what alternative media is. By definition alternative media is “Newspapers, magazines, radio stations, or online media which are not corporately owned and which circulate political messages felt to be under-represented in ‘mainstream media’ (seen as geared towards maximizing profits and supporting a ‘free-trade’ agenda).” Alternative media gives the opportunity for news that is not typically broadcasted a place to shine and be seen. There are thousands of sources giving information on topics the media is trying to cover up and push away. Many individuals are turning to alternative media to avoid fake news as they believe this is the most reliable form to receive and perceive media. Alternative Media forms change depending on what is considered “mainstream” or what is on trend. This form of media can come in the form of print, digital, audio and or video. Alternative media gives the opportunity for those voices and events that go unheard or pushed away. There are so many things that we have no clue about as Americans that are going on within our country. Being educated and knowing what is going on is our civic duty and the government is continuously taking that away from us.
After researching and reviewing some alternative media sources it blew my mind how much I didn’t know. I would consider myself a fairly informed individual as I try my best to keep up to date with things going on within our country. I never knew and or even thought of half of the things that I read while researching. I came across a source of alternative media called South Front, a popular sight and form of alternative media. South Front is an organization that is 100% funded by supporters and readers, and provides the world with daily updates on everything happening with the Syrian War. They provide information that corporate media does not want people to know, yet they broadcast everything being transparent. Transparency is something many look for when seeking news outlets as everyone is searching for those that are reliable. I had no clue about anything going on in Syria as the mainstream news does not keep up to date with those events. Yet there are so many sights that are niche in the way that they are focused on one thing going on within our country and publishing anything and everything being transparent with the reader. There are so many more sights and forms of alternative media that individuals check up daily on. When asking a wide range of people from different demographics many did not even know what alternative media was let alone any of the topics discussed within this type of media. If alternative media became more prevalent and normalized within society the government would feel as if they lost control. As they have control over all media they do not have control over this type as it is simply individual exercising their first amendment. Being informed and staying informed in today's society is important, and alternative media can help those who may not be informed get informed. A simple google search and you have a world of media you never would have thought of. Alternative media is transparent and is a way to give those who want to know what is going on with the world a place to get informed and or inform others.
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